Plimmerton Auto Services


7 Northpoint Street


Opening Hours

Monday 8am-5pm

Tuesday 8am-5pm

Wednesday 8am-5pm

Thursday 8am-6pm

Friday 8am-5pm

Plimmerton Auto Services - your local Auto Super Shoppe

We are an automtoive repair workshop located in Plimmerton at 7 Northpoint Street

Our highly skilled technicians can help you with quality automotive repairs and services including warrant of fitness, vehicle inspections, servicing, brake repairs, clutch and transmission steering and suspension, fault-finding diagnostics and tyre sales

With over 60 years of combined experience, we're confident our team can provide you with the highest quality repairs in a timely man and will provide you with the best service possible.

We also understand that communication skills are as important as repair skills for your experience when you visit us.  That's why we always make sure you are kept in the loop about what is happening with your vehicle.

If you would like to learn more about our business, don't hesitate to contact one of our friendly staff today!

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Enquire or Book Now

We have over 100 Auto Super Shoppes available to service your vehicle.

It’s a known fact that regular vehicle servicing reduces the chance of major car part failures and avoids costly repairs.  

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Please note, our team will be in touch to confirm your appointment. If you require an urgent booking please call us.

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